"Empire of Storms" by Sarah J Mass Review

Rating: *****

Wow. Yep did not see that ending coming at all! I cried or was very near crying many times through this book. Not always from sadness. The ending was from sadness...  And agony. Fantastic writing! I pretty much got everything I wanted from this book which is great! That last line! Okay I officially need book 6 like yesterday! (even though it's the end! )

Update Sept 8th, 2016 : Okay now that I have gotten some sleep and time to gather my thoughts on with the SPOILERY thoughts!


Okay so I was really excited to see Elide's journey to Terrasen but as bad as it sounds when stuff with her and Lorcan came up in the story part of me really didn't care like in Queen of Shadow with Chaol and Nesryn... I am guilty of skim reading most of their scenes in about the middle of the book. I'm just not really sold on that pairing. But whatever it wasn't horrible.

So I was so excited to see Aelin finally make it to Terrasen and claim her rightful place on the throne and I expected there to be some difficulty but I did not see Darrow coming. Oh my god, I was SO mad at this character. Like it was literally a time when I wanted to throw the book across the room. He was so pompous and smug. Ugh I seriously have Umbridge level hate for that guy. I am so disappointed in what is left of Orlon's court. And I think this is where we really start to see a change and maturity in Aelin when she doesn't just up and kill the guy. Not the act first think later.

I felt so bad for Dorian losing his city. Like he already felt unsteady and unsure of his spot on the throne and then he loses his throne entirely. I really am glad that Rowan/ Manon came to rescue Dorian because I would have been quite upset if Dorian was captured by the Valg AGAIN. I think Dorian needed someone who did not know well to relate to his loss of Sorcha. And Rowan definitely filled that role with his loss of Lyria. Both of them feeling that it was their fault for their significant others death. I knew that Manon would not do as she was told when it came to Dorian. But she still was in her transition from being the cold brutal Ironteeth Blackbeak heir to who she truly is.

When the Blackbeak Matron decreed that Asterin would be killed as the blood for blood punishment I was crushed. I really like Asterin. And I was pretty convinced she was going to die because it would be like Aelin's actions after Nehemia's death for Manon. It would spur Manon into action to do what needed to be done and wake her up in a way. This was the first time I was near tears in this book. I was quite emotional throughout this book. I knew that the Crochan witches would come into play somehow in this book so I was not entirely shocked by Manon's grandmother revealing Manon's true heritage. I was surprised by the Crochan witch from "[book:Heir of Fire|20613470]ending up being Manon's half sister. It just makes that whole situation that much sadder and reveals how truly evil her Grandmother is. I guess it all made sense when it was revealed that Manon's mother was the one who first truly tried to break the Crochan curse since she was described as soft-hearted. The whole history of Manon's family history is really tragic. In a way the Blackbeak Matron gave Manon a gift instead of the betrayal she thought she was giving Manon. It was the final straw to make Manon realize what the Crochan witch said about the Ironteeth witches being made evil instead of born. My only regret with this scene is that Manon did not succeed in killing her Grandmother but I am sure this will come later either by Asterin or Dorian finishing the job for her.

The way that Aelin and Lysandra revealed to Rolfe who Celaena Sardothien really was was hilarious and creative. Gavriel and Fenrys showing up in Skull's Bay was unexpected. I am really glad that Aedion didn't just welcome his father with open arms and acted like everything was okay. And I also liked the brotherhood that the Cadre showed to one another. And Lysandra's badass Sea Dragon shift was AWESOME!

It was interesting the part that the Gods played in the story that each of the important characters was watched over and nudged into place like chess pieces to the eventual reveal of the story behind Elena and the Lock's failure. When the gang summoned Elena in Skull's Bay I was done and just did not care if she ever came back because of how useless she was being.

When I truly started wanting to pay attention to Elide's story was when Lorcan finally revealed that Celaena and Aelin were in fact one and the same. And her reunion with Aelin was the second time I cried in this book. Not from sadness but of how touching it was. And that Elide finally saw that she would have worth in the court. Manon and Aelin's little squabble over who laid claim to Elide was kind of amusing. And I loved how Manon and Aelin's relationship grew through this book.

I am a Manorian fan for sure. I was during [book:Queen of Shadows|18006496] and continue to be through this book. I think they are both what each other needs. Dorian is not the perfect nice little character who still eats like a fine lady. There is a darkness in him which is what draws him to Dorian. It is part of the reason Dorian is one of my favourite characters. I was pleased with the use of Dorian's magic when Manon and Dorian finally have sex. And that Dorian has the upper hand in some ways in the realtionship and that Manon is okay with that.

Rowaelin was great in this book as usual. It broke my heart a little that they were both scared to tell each other that they loved one another and could not admit to being mates. But as Maeve reveals it is for good reason why Rowan was fighting it.

I thought it was cool too that the Eye of Elena ended up being a witch symbol.

Ah and then finally the journey into the witch mirror and Elena's story was heartbreaking! SJM totally pulled a Harry Potter in that the main character must die so everyone else can live. I did not see that coming what so ever. But Aelin did. And all her planning and her secretiveness made so much sense! It was starting to make me mad that Aelin was still keeping secrets from everyone but I know why now and ugh breaks my heart. I truly felt this was so well done on SJM's part and brought a complexity to the story that just makes it all the more amazing. Elena does truly care for Aelin and I feel bad and do pity Elena.

<i> Nameless is my price.</i>
"Mala's bloodline shall bleed again to forge the Lock anew. And <i> you </i> will lead them, a lamb to slaughter, to pay the price of this choice <i>you</i> made[.]"
"You are Nehemia," she said.
"And you are Elena."
Elena nodded. "Why have you come?"
"Am I not to called to open it? To learn how to save us, and to pay the price?"
"No not you. Not this way."
"Then in what way, Lady, am I required to bleed?"
"In the North, two branches flow from Mala. One too the Havilliard House, where its prince with my mate's eyes possesses raw magic-- and her brute power. The second flows through the Galathynius House, where it bred true: flame and embers and ashes."
"Aelin Galathynius is dead," Nehemia said.
"Not dead." No, she'd ensured that, still paying for what she'd done that wintery night. Just hiding [.]"
"Go north, Princess, "Elena said. "Go into your enemy's household.  [.] The two bloodlines will converge there. Already they are on their way."
"Aelin Galathynius is headed to Adarlan?"
"Not Aelin. Not that name, that crown. Know her by her eyes-- turquoise with a core of gold. [.] Guide her. Help her. She will need you."
"And the price?"
Elena hated them, then.
Hated the gods who had demanded this. Hated herself. Hated that this was asked, all these bright lights...
"You will not see Eyllwe again."
"I'm sorry," she said to Aelin.
"It was the only way," Elena offered. That was genuine pain in her eyes. Regret.
"Was it a choice, or just to spare Gavin's precious bloodline, that I was the one who was selected?"
"Dorian was not ready. You were. The choice Nehemia and I made was to ensure that things went according to plan.'
"They wanted me to suffer," Elena said. "And I have. Knowing you must do this, bear this burden... It has been steady, endless shredding of my soul for a thousand years. It was so easy to say yes, to imagine you would be a stranger, someone who would not need to know the truth, only to be in the right place with the right gift, and yet... and yet I was wrong. I was so wrong. [.] Then you were born. And you were the answer to the gathering darkness, with that flame. [.] And you were strong, Aelin. So strong, but so vulnerable."
Aelin said too quietly, "I didn't survive that night in the Florine River because of pure luck, did I?"
"You were so small. And you fought... you fought so hard. [.] They wanted me to take you, right then. [.] So they let me form a body, to get you. [...] I thought the danger would be drowning," Elena whispered. "I didn't realize being out in the cold for so long... [.] You died. [.] Right there, you died. You had fought so hard, and I failed you. And in that moment, I didn't care that I'd again faliled the gods, or my promise to make it right, or any of it. All I could think... was how unfair it was. You had not even lived, you had not been given a chance... All those people, who had wished and waited for a better world... You would not be there to give it to them."

[.] Elena's voice broke. "I could not allow it. I could not endure it. Not for the gods' sake, but for your own. [.] And I defied them. [.] You were so young. "And more than the dreamers more than the debt... I wanted to give you time. To at least know what it was to live."
Aelin rasped, "What was the price, Elena? What did they do to you for this?"
"When it is done, [...] I go, too. For the time I bought you, when the game is finished, my soul will be melted back into the darkness. I will not see Gavin, or my children, or my friends... I will be gone. Forever."
"Did you know that before you-"
"Yes. They told me, over and over."
Then the sobbing somewhat started when Maeve's story began and Aelin's true sacrfice is told. The true depravity of Maeve ugh...  How deep her madness but grudgingly genius goes:

"Why?" Aelin rasped.
"I have known for a very long time that you would give me what I seek, Aelin Galathynius, and have taken steps toward ensuring that. [...] Haven't you figured it out? Why I wanted your Mother to bring you to me, why I demanded such things from you this spring? [...] in my dark power, I saw a glimmer of the future. I saw that Mala's power would surge again. And that you would lead me to the keys. Only you-- the one that Brannon left clues for, the one who would find all three. And I saw who you were, what you were. I saw who you loved. I saw your mate. [...] The powerhouse you two would be-- you and Prince Rowan. Any offspring of that union..." A vicious smirk. "You and Rowan could rule this continent if you wished. But you children... your children would be powerful enough to rule an empire that could sweep the world."
Aelin closed her eyes.
"I didn't know when <i>you</i>  would be born, but when Prince Rowan Whitehorn came into this world,  when he came of age and was the strongest purebred Fae male in my realm... you were still not there. And I knew what I would have to do. To leash you. To break you to my will, to hand over those keys without thought once you were strong and trained enough to acquire them."
Aelin's shoulders shook. Tears slid out past her closed eyes.
"It was so easy to tug on the right psychic thread that day Rowan saw Lyria at the market. To shove him down that other path. to trick those instincts. A slight altering of fate."
"Oh, gods," Fenrys breathed.
Maeve said, "So your mate was given to another. And I let him fall in love, let him get her with child. And then I broke him. No one ever asked how those enemy forces came to pass by him mountain home.'
Aelin's knees gave out completely.
"He took the blood oath with out question. And I knew that whenever you were born, whenever you'd come of age... I'd ensure your paths crossed, and you'd take one look at each other and I'd have you by the throat. Anything I asked for, you'd give me. Even the keys. For your mate, you could do no less. You almost did that day in Doranelle."
"I will kill you," Aelin snarled at the Fae Queen.
"That's what you said to Rowan after you met him, wasn't it? [...] I'd pushed and pushed your Mother to bring you to me, so you could meet him, so I could have you at last when Rowan felt the bond, but she refused. And we know how that turned out for her. And during those ten years afterward, I knew you were alive. Somewhere. But when <i>you</i> came to <i>me</i>... when you and your mate looked at each other with only hate in your eyes... I'll admit I did not anticipate that it. That I had broken Rowan Whitehorn so thoroughly taht he did not recognize his own mate-- that you were so broken by your own pain you did notice, either. And when the signs appeared, the <i>carranam</i> bond washed away any suspicion on his part that you might be his. But not you. How long has it been, Aelin, since you realized he was your mate?"
"At Temis's temple," Aelin admitted, glancing to Manon. "The moment the arrow went through his shoulder. Months ago."
"And you've hidden it from him, no doubt to save him from any guilt regarding Lyria, any sort of emotional distress...[.] Since letting you two go that day in Doranelle was so that you could lead me to the keys again. I even let you think you'd gotten away with it, by freeing him. You had no idea that I <i>unleashed</i> you. But if he's not here... I'll have to make do."
Aelin stiffened. Fenrys snarled in warning.
Maeve shrugged. "If it's any consolation, Aelin, you would have had a thousand years with Prince Rowan. Longer."
The world slowed[.] as Maeve said, "My sister Mab'd line ran true. The full powers, shifting ablilites, and the immortality of the Fae. You'd likely be about five years away from Settling."
Aelin's face crumpled. This was not a draining of magic and physical strength, but of spirit.
"Perhaps we'll celebrate your Settling together," Maeve mused, "since I certainly have no plans to waste you on that Lock. To waste the keys when they are meant to be <i>wielded</i>, Aelin.[.] What I find to by truly amusing is that it seems I didn't even need you to be Rowan's mate. Or really break him at all. A fascinating experiment in my own powers, if anything. But since I doubt you'll still go willingly, not at least without you trying to die on me first, I'll let you have a choice. [.] I said you have a choice. And you do. Either you come willingly with me and get acquainted with Cairn or[.] I still take you- and bring Elide Lochan with us. I'm certain she and Cairn will get along wonderfully."
 That she is FIVE years from Settling and that she and Rowan could have been together... even with out the Lock's fate looming. Oh my god and after Aelin is shoved into that iron mask, chains and box and taken away, Rowan finally arrives and exclaims: <i>Where is my wife?</i>
Oh the pain and the sacrifice. Aelin ensured Terrasen would have a king and Erilea would survive Erawan. And she also asked Lysandra to pose as Aelin and have supposed Rowan and Aelin's children with Aedion so there would be no denying Rowan's claim to the throne. And of course Aedion has to be completely un-understanding and be angry at Lysandra to do what Aelin asked to save all their lives. But I guess that is expected. Then all the people from [book:Heir of Fire|20613470] and [book:The Assassin's Blade|18243700] to do their part in the war! This made me very happy! But sad because Aelin was not there to see it. And all is answered about her secrets because she didn't want to fail them if she had told them and her favours did not come though.

Now I am just waiting for Nox to return and I will be happy with the return of characters in book 6!

That last line though:
Unleashing a dry that set the world trembling, Prince Rowan Whitehorn Galathynius, Consort of the Queen of Terrasen, began the hunt to find his wife.
[author:Sarah J. Maas|3433047] certainly knows how to end a book with you dying for more.


I loved this book and I think I am going to start re-reading it this weekend. Then I can pick up all the foreshadowing and hints that I know are all throughout this book!
Definitely read [book:The Assassin's Blade|18243700] before reading this if you haven't already before reading QoS... because it is also completely needed before reading that book too!


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