Hi, my name is Brit. I am a huge lover of books. Books have always been a big part of my life.
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I think I am going to start reading Deliriumby Lauren Oliver today again. I really enjoyed it the first time I read it and I am feeling a little down in the dumps and a good book can help to make things a little bit better.
This review contains SPOILERS... So... I have been completely swept away by these books. They are so beautiful. I was very hesitant to read these books. I have been reading A LOT of dystopian novels lately. (For the last two years.) And I was beginning to feel like perhaps I had read all the good ones. I also, and I am ashamed to admit this judged these books by the original cover of Shatter Me . I know, I know! "Never judge a book by it's cover." But in the past I have read books that had crappy covers, and the contents inside matched the outside. And I guess I also didn't want to be disappointed by another book that others had raved about. I just finished Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge before I picked up Shatter Me. And let's just say my hopes were "Shattered" (pun intended) by the aforementioned novel. But I will get into that later if I end up doing a review for Cruel Beauty. But, my goodness am I ever so happy that I decided to give it...
Based on several reviews I had read about this book I was not expecting to like it very much. But it was quite the opposite. I truly enjoyed how Ms. Johnansen wrote about the importance of books and literacy in society. As well as her mentions of popular books from our era. The use of magic was not overdone which kept the story from being too far-fetched. There were parts of this book that disturbed me a bit. I have never been a big fan of the use of profanity in literacy. But that was one of the few things I disliked about this book. It was a breath of fresh air to read about a female protagonist who had a realistic self-consciousness about herself and was not perfect and beautiful in appearance as a lot of these literary heroines seem to be in books of this same genre. There are no perfect characters in this story as well which I feel also supports the realism of this story. ----Spoilers Ahead--- - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- -------- ------...
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