Review of "The Queen of the Tearling" by Erika Johansen

Based on several reviews I had read about this book I was not expecting to like it very much. But it was quite the opposite. I truly enjoyed how Ms. Johnansen wrote about the importance of books and literacy in society. As well as her mentions of popular books from our era. The use of magic was not overdone which kept the story from being too far-fetched. There were parts of this book that disturbed me a bit. I have never been a big fan of the use of profanity in literacy. But that was one of the few things I disliked about this book. It was a breath of fresh air to read about a female protagonist who had a realistic self-consciousness about herself and was not perfect and beautiful in appearance as a lot of these literary heroines seem to be in books of this same genre. There are no perfect characters in this story as well which I feel also supports the realism of this story. 

----Spoilers Ahead---

I am very interested to see where Father Tyler will choose to place his alliances in future books. As well as the unveiling of the identities of the mysterious "Fetch" and Kelsea's father. (I am somewhat suspicious of her father being Lazarus.) And I feel there may be some interest in a more than friends way between Kelsea and Pen. I also hope that Kelsea learns that Lazarus cannot read and that is the reason for his disdain for literature. And will hope to continue seeing all these characters secrets and stories unraveled.    


----End of Spoilers---

I do hope we do not have to wait very long for future sequels and I am also excited for the movie adaptation in which Emma Watson is supposed to star even though I am not exactly sure she is a good fit for the role as much as I love her. 


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