Review of "Rosie Dunne"/ "Love, Rosie"/ "Where Rainbows End"

Wow, this was much different than I expected. I based my expectation purely on seeing the trailer for Love, Rosie. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really enjoyed reading this book because of it's unique letters format. I have not read anything like this since the Confessions of Georgia Nicholson series and it was in journal/ diary enteries. And it was interesting to read a book that takes place in such a large timeline. The character growth of the protagonist Rosie was really well done.   

----Spoilers Ahead---


The epilogue was great and it kind of made me feel like I was Rosie reading all these letters from her life. The ending was good too, even though it was a little abrupt. I do wish the reader could know more about Alex and Rosie's future together... but my guess is that they stayed and lived at Buttercup House and that they eventually married. Alex also most likely practiced medicine somewhere close. 


End of spoilers

 I think I might try reading Ps. I Love You now, since I think it is also in the format of letters... :)


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