Allegiant Review

This review contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Allegiant. Do not read unless you have completely finished reading this book or you don't care about spoilers. If the latter: read at your own risk ;)

SO good, but SO sad. I struggled a lot to not sob uncontrollably at the end of this book. I had a feeling Veronica was going to end the book this way by writing it from both Tris and Tobias' perspectives. She needed the story to go on after Tris's death. I also knew that Tris would not let Caleb die. Tris was a selfless character and it would have been out of character for her to allow her own brother to sacrifice himself for the wrong reasons. The way Roth wrote Tris's death scene and Tobias's reaction to it was brilliant. It shook me to my core and I felt the emotions in my bones. For a book to have that kind of effect on me shows how truly amazing a writer Veronica Roth is. Bravo, Veronica Roth! Bravo! As sad as Tris's death was I understand why it had to be done. Tris died for the people she loved. She made the ultimate and true sacrifice for the greater good. It was fitting that Tris's mother came for her daughter to help her to be at peace. I am happy and have complete respect that Veronica Roth did not just keep all her characters alive to make everyone happy. She wrote this fearlessly and without caring how everyone else would want HER story to end but how she felt it should end. It was realistic. And for that I truly applaud her bravery (A true Dauntless). A lot of people will probably be angry with Veronica for killing her main character but if people are true fans of the story they will respect that that is the way the story had to end.

Tobias, oh Tobias! How you broke my heart! I understood why he would want to forget the pain he felt after losing Tris. But I was glad that it was Christina who helped him to see that taking the memory serum would not only make him forget him pain but also all the love he had for Tris and all the good times he had with her. I felt it was appropriate for her to be the one because she too was very close to Tris and she also had lost someone very dear to her heart. I lost it when Caleb told Tobias that Tris had said that she didn't want to leave him. 

All in all I am okay and happy with how the book ended the series. This is a series that is truly one I will always stand out to me as a favourite.  Any lover of the Dystopian Genre of books should not miss out on this awesome read!

This book has left me with the definition of a book hangover and I am not at all unhappy with that. :)


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