
Showing posts from 2016

"Empire of Storms" by Sarah J Mass Review

        Rating: ***** Wow. Yep did not see that ending coming at all! I cried or was very near crying many times through this book. Not always from sadness. The ending was from sadness...  And agony. Fantastic writing! I pretty much got everything I wanted from this book which is great! That last line! Okay I officially need book 6 like yesterday! (even though it's the end! ) Update Sept 8th, 2016 : Okay now that I have gotten some sleep and time to gather my thoughts on with the SPOILERY thoughts! <spoiler> Okay so I was really excited to see Elide's journey to Terrasen but as bad as it sounds when stuff with her and Lorcan came up in the story part of me really didn't care like in Queen of Shadow with Chaol and Nesryn... I am guilty of skim reading most of their scenes in about the middle of the book. I'm just not really sold on that pairing. But whatever it wasn't horrible. So I was so excited to see Aelin finally make it to Terrasen and claim he